Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the music hub?
Parents, children and local businesses have been fund-raising for the last six year to create a bespoke community and learning space for music. The new hub will provide an additional space for music curriculum lessons, band and orchestra rehearsal and music tuition. It will also provide create a space for local community events.
What is OPAL?
The Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL) initiative was introduced 2 years ago at Hayes Primary School. We are transforming the use of our outdoor space by creating different zones on our field, installing boot storage and introducing the use of loose parts as part of play.
Which secondary school do children move on to?
The vast majority of children go to Hayes Secondary School in Year 7. A number of children are successful in applying for places at super selective schools such as St Olaves and Newstead Woods.
How do we support you with your child’s transition into school?
July 2023
Taster session (visiting the classroom)
Meeting for all new parents
Children have the opportunity to spend an afternoon in their new classroom.
Visits to your child’s nursery setting
September 2023
Home Visits
Phased start to school
Ongoing Support
Parent workshops focusing on key aspects of the curriculum. (Phonics, reading, early maths, communication, fine motor control)
PTA social events
How many adults and children are in each class?
- Early Years (age 4 – 5) one teacher and one teaching assistant per class of 30 children.
- Year 1 (age 5-6) one teacher and one teaching assistant per class of 30 children
- Year 2 upwards (age 7-11) one teacher per class of 32 children and a minimum of one teaching assistant per year group, though this adjusted according to need
How will I know what progress my child is making?
- Progress shared termly in Reading, Writing and Maths
- Ideas for how you can help at home
- Parents evenings
What if there are concerns about my child’s learning or behaviour?
We work in partnership with parents and local pre-schools to identify any barriers to learning. Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, Mrs Adams, supports and observes children in order to ensure that the support provided is effective and enables every child to make progress. We develop positive choices around behaviour through a restorative justice approach.
What extra-curricular clubs does the school offer?
Basketball, netball, gardening, science, art, hockey, drama, football, cross country, gymnastics, athletics and cricket
Do you have childcare provision outside of the normal school day?
We have our own in house breakfast club (7.45am until the start of school) and after school club provision (from the end of the school day until 6pm). The provision is very popular.
How can parents get involved in school life?
Parent Teacher Association, School Volunteer programme, class assemblies, year group celebrations (Harvest Festival, Christmas Nativity and Carol concerts, Christingle, Victorian Tea Party and end of Year 6 production, whole school PTA picnic).
What does the school day look like for my reception child?
Children start the day with phonics and time in the outdoor learning area. The children then have snack time. There is then a wide range of child initiated activities for them to choose from both inside and outside the classroom. These have different focusses (e.g. writing, maths, fine motor skills, gross motor skills). The children then have a maths or English focus before lunch and in the afternoon have a PSHE or curriculum focus for their learning.
What does my child eat in the school day?
All children in reception receive a free daily fruit or vegetable snack. They also receive free school dinners as part of the government’s Universal Free School Meal programme (menus are available on our school website). Children are welcome to opt to bring in packed lunch but when choosing to do so will need to commit to one or the other for a whole half term.
How can I help my child with their learning?
Reading with your child every day is the most important home learning activity you can do with your child. There are also a number of useful videos can be found on our website to support your child with their learning. The class teacher can also give you useful activities to do at home to supplement what is learnt in school.
How does the outdoor area get used?
All children have the option to go outside at least once every day. There are learning activities set up outside for the children to choose from. Adults are outside to support and encourage learning through play outside.
Do the children do PE in reception?
Once the children have settled in to school life, they will start PE lessons. These take place indoors and outside. There are also activities set up in the outdoor learning area that encourage physical activity.
How to apply
- Go to Bromley council website.
- Click on the school admission tab.
- Apply online at
- Save details.
- Apply for up to six schools.
- You must include your nearest school.
- Deadline is 15th January 2023.
- Tel No: 0208 313 4044.