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Meet our Local Advisory Council

To access further information on the members listed, please click on their names below

Local Advisory Council members

Joanne Bishenden, Chair

Samantha Howell, Head Teacher


Edward Tory

Jackie Wilson

 Date of Appointment: 14 December 2021 (4 years)

Attendance Record 2022/23: 2 of 2, 23/24: 1 of 3, 24/25 (YTD): 0/1
Business or Pecuniary Interest: none declared
Date Interest Acquired:  n/a
Business Interests of close family members : none declared
Gifts of Hospitality Received: none declared


Paula Reddin

Sally White, Chair

Rachel Haig, Interim Head Teacher

Chris Hemming 

 Susy Bramer (parent)

Niv Vitarana., Head Teacher