At Hayes Primary School we use an enquiry-based RE curriculum that develops children’s critical thinking skills, motivation to learn, and knowledge and understanding of people and their beliefs - religious or otherwise. RE is taught weekly through whole class teaching and assemblies.
Our approach to RE takes very seriously the philosophy that children are free to make their own choices and decisions concerning religion and belief. Our RE provision does not try to persuade but rather to inform and develop the skills with which evaluation can take place. We see RE as a fundamental part of our SMSC curriculum and links strongly with British Values.
It is the right of parents to have their children withdrawn from collective worship or from religious education lessons. If this is the case please contact the Headteacher.
Autumn 1 - Islam
What is the best way for a Muslim to show commitment to God?
Year 6 learn to understand some of the ways Muslims show commitment to God and to evaluate whether there is a best way.
Autumn 2 - Christianity
How significant is it that Mary was Jesus’ mother?
Year 6 learn to analyse the Christian belief in the Virgin Birth and to assess the significance of this to Christians.
Spring 1 - Christianity
Is anything ever eternal?
Year 6 learn to evaluate different beliefs about eternity and to understand the Christian perspective on this.
Spring 2 - Christianity
Is Christianity still a strong religion 2000 years after Jesus was on Earth?
Year 6 learn to examine the influences Christianity still has in the world and evaluate whether it is still a strong religion.
Summer 1/2 - Islam
Does belief in Akhirah (life after death) help Muslims lead good lives?
Year 6 learn to indentify ways in which Muslims try to lead good lives and how their belief in Akhirah influences this. They then move on to challenging stereotyping through understanding different Muslim interpretations of Jihad and how this links to getting to Heaven.