Prospective Parents
Welcome to Hayes Primary School!
We want to ensure your child has the best possible start at school. It is of upmost importance to us that the transition from pre-school to school is as smooth as possible for your child and this starts long before the September they begin with us. We have good links with our main feeder pre-schools and ensure a comprehensive handover happens before your child joins us.
Due to the current pandemic and Government guidance, we are unable to host our usual parent school tours. We have created a bank of videos which will give you a flavour of what life is like at Hayes Primary School and we invite you to spend a few minutes looking through the videos and reading our frequently asked questions about starting school at Hayes Primary School.
We will also be hosting virtual meetings to introduce you to key members of staff and to provide you with the information you need to apply.
If you have any questions, we encourage you to contact the school office. Our administrative staff are very happy to explain any aspect of our admissions process.