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Remember: “Every day counts!”

Please make sure that your child is at school on time and is here every day, unless they are ill. If your child is absent from school please, let the school office know.

The school gates are open for the children to arrive from 8:40 am; they should enter the school through the main doors and walk round to their classrooms.  The school day starts at 8:50 am and finishes at 3:10pm for EYFS, 8.55am start and 3:15pm for KS1 and 8.50am start 3:25pm for KS2. We ask that families and children arrive no earlier than 8:25am, unless your child/ren are attending a pre-arranged before school activity, e.g. a sports club or tutoring session.

If your child is going to be absent from school, please email or call the school office to let us know.

For all absences, please email  Messages can also be left on our absence line – please dial the school office and select the absence line option.

For safeguarding reasons, please remember to let the school office know by 2.00pm if a different adult is collecting your child.

At Hayes Primary School, we have high expectations of attendance from all pupils. We strive for every child to be in school every day. Regular attendance is essential to ensure children reach their potential both academically and socially.

Our Attendance Champion is Mrs Howell.

The Department for Education has issued new and stricter guidelines for absences to which schools must abide:

“Regular attendance is crucial to raising and maintaining high attainment. If pupils do not come to school, they cannot learn what is taught in a lesson, practise what has been taught, or improve on their performance. There is a clear correlation. Pupils who attend regularly achieve more highly.” (OFSTED Framework section 4.3)

As a school we monitor the children's attendance regularly, and analyse the date on a weekly basis. We will implement a staged intervention process, aimed at working in partnership with families, for children who are falling below expectations.  We will work together to improve a child's attendance and punctuality, and part of this may involve other agencies such as early help interventions, (Bromley Childrens Project, TAF Framework), the Education Welfare Officer and Social care. 

Children's Attendance Celebrations 

Children's attendance is celebrated with a weekly event.

Weekly Rewards

Every week, the top classes for attendance in EYFS, KS1 and KS2 will receive the attendance bear for the week. This will be awarded in celebration assembly. Attendance figures are published in each newsletter.


  • It is the parent/carer’s responsibility to inform the school by calling or emailing as soon as possible on the first day of a child’s illness, followed by a letter explaining the reason for absence on the child’s return. If an explanation is not received, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised and will remain on a pupil’s attendance record permanently. This continues throughout their time in primary, secondary and further education.
  • All absences due to illness, over two days in length may be required to be supported by medical evidence e.g. An appointment card/letter, copy of a prescription etc. (This can be shown/copied at the school office.)
  • For planned medical absences to be authorised, a copy of the planned appointment letter must be given to school in advance for the appointment.
  • The DfE attendance advice published in November 2013 states:

Headteachers should only authorise absence in exceptional circumstances. If a Headteacher grants a leave request, it will be for the Headteacher to determine the length of time that the child can be away from the school.

To this end, there will be no authorised leave given to children for holidays or travel during term time, except in exceptional circumstances. Such leave will be marked as unauthorised and the matter will be referred to the EWO (Education Welfare Officer) who has the authority to issue a Fixed Penalty Notice.

  • Absences are held on children’s records, reported at the end of the year to parents and the accumulated totals collated by the DfE.
  • When a child is absent due to vomiting and/or diarrhoea, please ensure that he/she is symptom free for at least 48 hours before returning to school.

Punctuality - Official Times 

  Doors Open Doors Close Unauthorised Late
EYFS 8:35 8:45 9:15
KS1 8:35 8:45 9:15
KS2 8:35 8:45 9:15

Children need to be in school before the doors close in order to receive a present mark in the register. If children arrive after the doors close, they must go to the office and sign in the late book. They will receive an unauthorised late mark. If children arrive after 9:15, they will receive an unauthorised attendance mark. Persistent lateness is disruptive to the class, can be distressing for the child and can affect learning as much as absence. The Education Welfare Officer (EWO) may also identify and investigate persistent lateness. 

For children who fail to achieve expected levels of attendance, parents will be informed either by phone or in person, with a view to providing support and advice to improve their attendance.

Every absence or late arrival at school means crucial learning time is lost.

Attendance during one school year Means this many days absence in one academic year Which is approximately this many weeks absent Which means approximately this many hours of learning lost
95% 9 Days 2 Weeks 50 Hours
90% 19 Days 4 Weeks 100 Hours
85% 29 Days 6 Weeks 150 Hours